We now interrupt our regularly scheduled sewing programming to tell you about my adventures in health and weight loss...
I've struggled since my early twenties with my weight. For a time around the age of 21 I just stopped eating, which is a whole other discussion and thank heavens I came through it. But still, food has always been an issue for me.
Since having children my weight has yo-yo'd up and down. I've never been seriously obese ... just heavy enough to not feel well. I'm a lifetime member at both Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers which serves as an example of just how many times I've gained and lost weight.
In the past, weight gain was slow and due to pregnancies for the most part. However, when I hit 40... well, the poop hit the fan. It is nearly impossible to lose weight and Oh. So. Easy. to gain weight. If I'm not working out, it is an absolute given I will be gaining.
A couple weeks ago, Super Husband saw the movie, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. He too has steadily gained weight, but has never ever dieted or tried to change his lifestyle. But this movie must have hit him sideways because he was gung ho about it. It's a documentary about a man who goes on a juice diet and loses 80+ pounds. Along the way, he encourages others to join him. A truckdriver he meets changes his life on it. He was truly fat, sick and nearly dead.
At any rate, hub wanted to do this thing.
I, on the other hand, was dead set against it. Number 1, having had issues around eating in the past, it scared the crap out of me. Number 2, over the years I really have learned that "everything in moderation" is the way to go. However, I also liked that he was so excited about getting healthy because, frankly, I've been worried about him. So, begrudgingly, I gave in.
On Sunday we bought our juicer and purchased a boatload of fruits and veggies. I printed out the daily plans (from jointhereboot.com)and we started on Monday. The plan was to stick with it for 15 days. We chose the plan that you do 5 days of eating and drinking your fruits and veggies, 5 days of only juicing, and then another 5 days of eating and drinking them.
Day one was not too tough until dinnertime. We both thought we'd puke if we had to eat another vegetable. And we both had raging headaches. Mine was not from caffeine withdrawal because I only have 1/2 a cup of coffee everyday anyways. His headache was probably exacerbated by lack of caffeine. While I knew he'd had at least a cup that morning, at least it wasn't his usual whole pot of coffee.
Day two was easier, again, until dinnertime. Dinner was baked squash with mushrooms and onions plus the blandest homemade vegetable soup on the planet. Both of us were irritated beyond belief. And I we were both certain that there is something seriously off about not having the slightest bit of protein.
Mind you, I'm not a nutritionist or a doctor, but even I know there's something amiss about that kind of imbalance. So here's my verdict on the plan and our intended course of action:
1. Juicing, for even just a couple days, it's a great way to get you aclamated to eating a ton of fruits and vegetables if you don't already.
2. Juicing is a great way to get in that ton of fruits and vegetables without choking down an entire garden (which is what we've eaten over the last two days).
3. The plan for the longterm lacks balance. I need a damn egg, people. Or beans or chick peas or something!
4. I'm super glad we got the juicer and did this because I feel like I can turn my eating pyramid around (i.e. less bread, more vegies and bits of protein instead of tons of fatty protein). I did not miss bread one bit. And I will continue to use the juicer in this same way. I'm just adding a bit of protein.
This morning I microwaved an egg with a spray of olive oil followed by a juice made from tomatoes, carrots, lemon and ginger which was absolutely delicious (and btw, contained 2 1/2 tomatoes and 4 carrots for each of us). Later, I'll add chick peas to my salad. Bottom line is, we are not going to do the 5 days of just juice, we are going to continue to eat and drink the fruits and vegies and we are adding a small amount of low fat organic protein to the mix. And we hope to just continue on this way indefinitely. I do not miss the refined sugar and processed foods at all.
And the kids have been eating healthier too. They've been making their own dinners. Last night they made pizza on whole wheat tortillas and had salad.
Also, today I am looking for some side pouches to add to my bicycle. Yesterday I rode up to the UPS store and grocery store to drop off packages and pick up more veggies but I could only get as much as my basket would hold. My plan to get in exercise is to ride my daily packages up there instead of driving them. I may also start yoga again. Looking for good options.
And by the by, I lost 2 pounds over the two days we've been doing this. I feel pretty dang good.
I had read about it when you tweeted about it. I was wondering about that serious lack of protein for so many days. I hope the juicing and lots of vegetables will be helpful for! I've been thinking about that as a way to get more veggies and less other food in me too. I also have food issues that can lead to all sorts of weird things. And, yes, losing weight over 40 has been much worse than is was before--which was already hard enough!!
Posted by: Cathy A. | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 10:33 AM
I have never been "skinny" but also not "obese" like you say.
I have studied every fad diet, regular diet, and anything regarding eating known to man (and tried a few)! Eat right for your type, the raw diet, the miracle diet, atkins, south beach, juicing, vegan, vegetarianism, cereal only, etc...the list is never ending
And at the end of the day I completely agree with you on the eating just veggies can't be healthy front. We are omnivores and our ancestors were omnivores. I truly believe that we need meat and vegetables. I also think that sugar and processed foods really are the culprit behind a lot of the current weight problems in our country (and in other parts of the world).
This is a really fascinating (husband thinks the speaker is annoying) video. I love the info on it regarding the current way we eat sugar and how it is killing us:
It is a bit long but really informative and the information is invaluable really.
If you are interested here is what our diet looks like:
http://www.westonaprice.org/images/pdfs/healthy4life2011.pdf From the www.westonaprice.org
It has done wonders for our health and I believe that it will do more every day!
Love hearing your realistic take on this, it is all to often spun one way or the other! :)
Posted by: Aubrey | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 10:43 AM
Two nights ago, hubby and I saw the exact same documentary on Netflix and it has also completely bowled us over. I just sat there, stunned and completely amazed. I've struggled with being overweight my entire life as well. I am a big proponent of eating food as close to the way God made it as possible, but my addictions are for processed foods. I recently went 80 percent raw as a method to break the addictions, but it allowed too much wriggle room for me. When I saw the idea of "Rebooting" I felt drawn like a moth to flame.
Thank you so very much for sharing your experiences with us. Knowing that there are others out there going through the same things is really inspirational. Hubby and I are ordering our juicer and we're going to try it out. I'm 31, and as you say...age just makes it harder. I need to do this right now. For me, my kids, my husband, my future.
Keep up the tremendous work! I'm glad to have found you here in Cyber-Land!!
Posted by: Crystal - Hunny Bunnies Handmade | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 10:49 AM
Having always been on the slender side, I had a bit (?) of a problem dealing with the weight gain that comes with menopause and how tough it is to lose that weight. I started reading books and found that there are quite a few silly ones about dieting (along with a lot of silly diets). The ones I like are "Diet myths that keep us fat ....." and Michael Pollan's "In defense of food." Both sensible and very much doable. "Food Matters" is another one I liked. I'm not where I'd like to be, but I know what I really should be doing.
I wish you and your husband good luck with the new healthy lifestyle.
Posted by: Doris L | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 11:44 AM
The one thing I have learned in all my years of dieting is that "moderation in all things" is the best rule! Me following this very important rule is a whole other matter. Best wishes for you and hubby in your dedication to a new healthy lifestyle!
Here's a link to some great bike pouches you might like: http://publicbikes.com/Bike-Bags
Posted by: Lisa | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 02:01 PM
Nice! I'm on a yeast free diet right now...that sounds very similar to what you're doing. Basically meats, veggies, and nuts. I've been doing it for a little over a week and I've lost quite a bit of weight already. It IS amazing how quickly you don't even want the sugars anymore. I literally don't even think about them! Good luck with your new plan.
Posted by: Dianne | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 03:09 PM
Oh goodness, you didn't need me telling you to toss the shiny sprinkle because of beetle juice, you are way beyond me! Good for you adding more veggies and fruit in your diet and tossing the not-so-good stuff and exercising more regularly too!
I'll be walking the kiddos to school this year (they're biking probably, but are slow) and I'm just hoping I can handle it. :}
Posted by: SarahB | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 05:45 PM
I am headed up to Seattle to visit my sister in a couple weeks and she has been juicing so I am sure that she is going to try to convert me. She has been a vegetarian for years, I LOVE meat! I agree that I have to have some kind of protein. I think I would be ready to fall over if I tried the 15 day plan. Yikes! Glad you found a happy balance, good luck!
Posted by: Kim | Wednesday, August 03, 2011 at 07:42 PM
My mom always tries fad diets and I totally agree with that moderation is key. Eating some baked chicken on a salad isn't unhealthy like a bucket of KFC is. I think banning meat/protein like this juice diet is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But sounds like you found a good way to use the positives of a juice diet without the imbalance :)
Posted by: Crunchy Con Mommy | Friday, August 05, 2011 at 11:00 PM
Moderation! Wooohooo! =) Thank you for being so candidly honest. I appreciate it.
Posted by: Jacqueline | Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 12:46 PM
Funny! I stumbled on your blog, and happen to have seen the same movie about a week ago. I, too, decided to try the juice fast. I'm on day 3 of drinking my fruits and veggies, and allow myself one cooked veggie meal a day. I also had headaches the first two days. No weight loss yet, but it's only day 3. I tried a green smoothie today instead of juicing (blending instead of juicing), and it's a little more filling. Good luck on your fasting.
Love your site!
Posted by: Miranda | Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 06:36 PM