No one every said I was a morning person (really. not. ever.)
On a Saturday morning I get particularly nasty if you want me to be up before 8 am. So when I had to take my daughter to an event this morning by 9 am and get up at 7:00 am I was a little snippy, one might say.
Super Husband was conveniently sick is sick. He sounds and looks like something the cat dragged in.
I had to be on clean up patrol for the event. This involves dragging a large bin of garbage across hither and to yon to pitch it. Plus taking the used icky coffee cups that they people don't bother to throw in the trash and do it for them and other disgusting stuff. For someone with a thing about cooties, this is an issue.
I spent the whole time complaining in my head to myself about what a pain in the tush it all was. Gritting my teeth too. I wasn't nice. And I sincerely hope no one noticed. If you did, apologies all around (sort of).
By 10 am I was wishing desperately I was home.
It's sad how little tolerance I have.
Especially since, the truth is, the time went faster than I thought it would, and the kids and I spent the afternoon sewing. I made the patchwork portion of Frannie bags (the rest of it goes out to a seamstress) and the kids each took an end of two yards of fleece to stitch the blanket stitch all around it.
They swear they are going to share it and cozy up on the couch. Yeah. Right. I'll believe that when I see it.
So, now, what's next? Cleaning up my own darn mess, cooking dinner and staying as far away from Cootie-Man on the couch as possible.
Hope you are having a nice weekend.
Ok, so you've had me fooled for a long time, missy! After enjoying your perky smiling self VERY early in the morning at Farm Chicks last June, I have been operating under the assumption that BariJ possesses the 'Happy Morning' gene that I so obviously LACK.
I really am totally surprised by your confession! ;0)
Posted by: Deb | Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 09:07 PM
I'm so not a morning person either. It kind of bothers my husband. Oh well. Glad I'm not alone in my grumpiness. ;)
At least you went and did what you had to do. Props to you!
Posted by: Missy | Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 05:07 PM
How could I ever be a HAPPY Ready to go morning person when I do not get REAL sleep??? hahaha... Im so envious of all those Bright eyed happy go lucky MORNING people! : ( grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr envious?.... JEALOUS! hmmmm one day! right?
I LOVE your new banner sweet thing! Change is wonderful!
Have a Wonderful week!
Joelle XOXO
Posted by: Joelle Dolce Bebe | Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 07:26 PM
I just had to post about your blog makeover. Fabulous!
As you know I am huge on blog design...mine changed a lot as well. But you got pages, good for you! It looks so professional. And about the banners, you always seem to design beautiful ones!
I am on Twitter as well and following you! LOL!
~ Gabriela ~
Posted by: Gabriela Delworth | Monday, March 16, 2009 at 06:25 AM
Great post...I agree...I would love to have "sleep-in time" on weekends, but it rarely happens at our house with the kid's activities! We were up at 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning getting ready for a travel baseball tournament, only to find out minutes before we were ready to walk out the door that it had been cancelled!
Posted by: Regina | Monday, March 16, 2009 at 04:31 PM
Love all the pretty fabrics. Yummy! I have such a weakness for fabrics-lol.
Happy St. Paddy's Day!
Posted by: Lisa at celebrate CREATIVITY | Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 12:59 PM
Sounds like a day we've all had at one time or another! I'm glad you got a little sewing time in...
Happy Wednesday!
Posted by: Laurie | Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 07:40 AM
Your blog is really lovely...I have added it to my reader..thank-you for sharing
Posted by: krys | Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 10:02 PM