Well, thank goodness that's over. I'm gaining poundage at an unprecedented rate. The holidays had to end before I exploded.
As sweet and wonderful as the season is, I'm glad it's gone. Is that so terrible?
I was dieing to get back to work the whole time, and as you can see from the postings below, I didn't exactly stop.
But when I did, I was E.A.T.I.N.G! Or
S.L.E.E.P.I.N.G. (I'll admit that though I can't sit still, that's only when I'm awake. We slept an incredible amount over the past two weeks. It's obscene really.)
I was not ...
E.X.E.R.C.I.S.I.N.G. (good grief it's not easy to type periods after each letter. It's like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time)
So today, I resolve as I do every year to get in shape. This time I want you to hold me to it.
I'm going to walk every day (almost) and no more red meat. And chocolate only when it's completely necessary (there are those times... we all know it).
That's about it with the resolving. I'm ready for some to do lists! Bring it on!
Happy New Year!
(Image from Go Cake Go.)
I am so with you!
Posted by: Missy | Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 08:22 PM
ditto! It's string cheese and water. forever, maybe, if my pants don't start fitting better. (Did they shrink?)
Happy New Year, wishing you laughter, joy, love and inspiration for lots more fabulous bags and accessories.
xo Lidy
Posted by: frenchgardenhouse | Thursday, January 03, 2008 at 10:50 AM
:) the chocolate cake picture is too tempting for any resolutions on my side !
Posted by: Adla | Saturday, January 05, 2008 at 02:35 AM